Meebhoomi ap gov in fmb, Meebhoomi AP, mee bhoomi, meebhumi adangal ( Map, App download, telangana, passbook 1b home 2021 2022)- Here this web portal is very useful for a user can registered or sell land records. Since 2017, Andhara Pradesh have been upload land records in offline mode. But now technology and digital technology are there in India. So all peoples who are using online in anything. So the AP government has been planned to update land registration in online modes. And also we are searching via online only. All land and survey details were enclosing here. view మీభూమి 1 b
As per schedule, 03.08.21 the official will collect more number of records like a under category B is 2144025, under category A is 558423 and 264607.
The meebhoomi website is consists of Home, Adangal (Village adangal), Village 1B, Aadhaar Linking, aadhaar status, Village Map, Department Login. So all details are there in this website. OK, now we are going to analyse AP district wise land record details. We have updated daily news at here. So the peoples are using this web portal to be getting all news instantly. In 2015, CM were have launched official portal of mee bhoomi. Here all peoples will make to see their adangal, Pahani and 1-B land records. And also we will look Field measurement book (FMB). By the situation all technical instructions and links are available now. So visitors can check all details from freely. Here all details will be inserted by below link. Here we are happy to announce Land conversation details on below page. In recent updates, records were found in official web site.
Update 05 Sep 2021:
Deed Information under category wise as below page,
1. Meeseva - 567165
2. Meebhoomi - 264607
3. Category B -2160170

1.      Srikakulam
2.      Vizianagaram
3.      Visakhapatnam
4.      East godavari
5.      West godavari
6.      Dark
7.      Guntur
8.      Brightness
9.      Nellore
10. Chitoor
11. Kadapa
13. Kurnool
The visitors are choose your district and then following instructions are below:- Here viewers can choose one by one topics as below possible. This Meebhoomi was launched 03 June 2015. And website link is given below:-. Maximum we have providing thirteen types of districts available on this web portal. If your district or village missing please go to refer AP official site. What are features available in this web. If visitors who are knowing all notifications about official please go to meebhoomi on google. If visitors are going to official web link you can choose language either Telugu or English. In addition this intradote web server is provide direct link for all things like a, 
1. Details of survey Number
2. Village Maps
3. ROR - 1B
4. Measurement Book (Fill up all details in any links)
5. Aadhaar Link
Quick Links of MEE BHOOMI:   
1. Map
2. Passbook
3. Adangal ap
4. App
5. FMB
6. Aadhar link
7. EC
The above links are working good. If your we're not found any links please see on below page. This page is how to view or search meebhumi details.
Search ROR-1B:
The search ROR-1B is nothing but peoples will have searching for account number, survey number, Name of pattadar, adaru number details. If you want go out the link please check it below:- Go to search ror -1b
FMB is simply called as Field Measurement Book (FMB). If you want more details about FMB, Search ROR, adangal please go refer official web page.
Under Category B - 1880916 obtained
Under Category A (Meeseva) - 429742 obtained
Under Category A (MeeBhoomi) - 82724 obtained
EC is a Encumbrance Certificate.
Helpline Number:
This web is introducing how to contact or view profile for Tahsildar information. First you can choose District Name and select zone.
Go to check Tahsildar information

Village 1B:
Village 1B

Aadhaar Link:
Aadhaar link


Department login:
Department login

Electronic passbook:
electronic passbook

And candidates are understand one by one topics. All topics are required same information like a District Name, Zone, Village zone and Sum. The entire students or visitors are following our guide to help to viewing official portal easily. In case you will try to use app please use below link to be getting original meebhoomi app. The official app is only for Google play store. So visitors can take a step and download your app now. All Andhra pradesh peoples who are going to learn online mode and offline mode only. But here we will explain all details in single page i.e.
In situation we are said adangal or pahani. This two names are similar as MEEBHOOMI adangal or MEEBHOOMI Pahani. The complete and full details are available only official site. Maximum all navigation are similar as District, Village and zone. So the respected visitors just go to login The peoples are asking lot of doubts about this meebhoomi land records such as, How to AP land records online, How to get Adangal certificate.
·        Go to
·        Select district Name
·        Choose Zone
·        Village zone
·        Select Name of the patron
·        Sum (Human verification)
Reference link